I'm Nervous About Getting a Filling

Most Americans have three dental fillings on average. Fillings are dental restorations made from resin, ceramic, or metal alloys that fill holes or cracks in teeth. A minor crack or small cavity can cause tooth pain and put you at risk for more serious dental problems, but fillings are a safe, effective way to stop the damage before it gets worse.

Even though fillings are commonplace, more than one in three people suffer dental anxiety. Being nervous about going to the dentist and getting work done is normal, but you aren’t alone.

Kohei Morita, DDS, and our team at Morita Dental are here to take the fear out of fillings. Whether it’s you or your child getting a filling, follow this step-by-step guide to learn what happens, and put your mind at ease.

Identifying tooth damage

Dr. Morita and our team often identify cavities and other types of damage during your routine dental cleaning. We thoroughly examine and clean each tooth, making it easy to spot areas of damage or decay.

If we identify tooth damage, we may take X-rays to evaluate the severity of the condition. We often recommend fillings for holes, small cavities, chips, and cracks. 

Small cavities and minor damage may not be noticeable at first. However, if damage continues, you might start noticing symptoms like:

  • Tooth pain
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Discoloration or staining on a tooth
  • Pain when biting down
  • Pain when eating sweet, hot, or cold foods/drinks

Any time you experience tooth pain or sensitivity, it’s a good idea to call the dentist for a checkup.

Preparing your tooth for filling

On the day of your filling appointment, we start by administering local anesthesia around the tooth. You wait a few minutes for the anesthetic to numb the treatment area, and we ensure you don’t feel anything before we start working on your tooth.

The first step of getting a filling is removing damaged or decayed portions. We thoroughly clean your tooth, then use a dental drill and other specialized dental tools to clear away decay and prepare your tooth for the filling

Creating the dental filling

Dr. Morita begins placing the filling as soon as your tooth is numb and clean. We specialize in tooth-colored fillings, so Dr. Morita chooses a filling material that closely resembles the color of your natural teeth.

We fill the hole and reshape your tooth so it looks natural and your bite feels comfortable. After the filling is shaped, we cure it with heat, light, or a combination of the two.

Because the treatment area is numb, you don’t feel any pain when you get a filling. Fillings are routine dental procedures that generally take an hour or less from start to finish. 

Caring for your new filling

You can return to your normal daily activities as soon as you leave our office, because there’s no downtime following your filling appointment. Most people don’t feel any discomfort during or after the procedure, but you may experience a tingling sensation as the local anesthesia wears off.

Fillings don’t require any special care, but practicing good oral hygiene helps them last a long time. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss at least once a day, and remember to schedule dental exams every six months.

Is it time for your next dental cleaning? Schedule an appointment at Morita Dental online, or call the office at 408-775-7770.

Get In Touch

10055 N Portal Ave

Suite 110

Cupertino, CA 95014

(408) 775-7770


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