Non-Cosmetic Reasons to Consider Veneers

Veneers are a popular, minimally invasive dental treatment designed to perfect your smile. They’re very thin shells made of porcelain or resin composite that are fixed permanently to the fronts of your teeth.

Veneers are a customizable option to address a range of cosmetic and functional dental concerns. They can improve the look of stained, cracked, or crooked teeth, make short teeth appear longer, and balance out irregular smiles. 

Though veneers are best-known as a cosmetic treatment, they have benefits that go beyond simply aesthetic — and it’s time to learn more about some of the top non-cosmetic reasons to consider getting veneers.

Kohei Morita, DDS, and our team at Morita Dental specialize in dental veneers, and we’re here to help you decide if veneers are the right choice for your smile. Along with great cosmetic benefits, veneers can…

Strengthen weak tooth enamel

Enamel is the outer layer of your teeth, and its job is to protect teeth from damage and decay. It’s the hardest material in the human body, but that doesn’t mean it can’t suffer wear-and-tear.

Genetics, age, and certain foods and beverages can all cause enamel to weaken and get thinner. Teeth with thin enamel are more likely to develop cavities, chip, or break.

Veneers cover the front surface of your teeth, adding strength to teeth that may be weaker. They can help protect teeth with thinning enamel, creating a barrier between vulnerable teeth and outside forces like damage or acid from your diet. 

Repair damaged teeth

Small chips and cracks in teeth create openings where bacteria can enter, causing cavities and decay. If you have a superficial chip or crack, a veneer could repair the damage and enhance protection.

Veneers can cover small chips and cracks on the front surfaces of your teeth. Placing a veneer over a crack seals the opening to help keep bacteria out. Deeper, more severe cracks or other damage may require a dental crown to restore the tooth, but a veneer could be a great option for smaller imperfections.

Seal gaps between teeth

Gapped, uneven teeth can make keeping up with oral hygiene challenging. Bacteria and plaque tend to collect in the spaces between teeth, and thoroughly brushing and flossing between uneven teeth can be difficult.

Veneers correct the appearance of gapped teeth, and they seal off the space in between them. The seal creates a barrier, which helps reduce areas of bacteria and plaque buildup. Veneers can make it easier to brush and floss, which enhances oral health.

Getting veneers

If you’re curious about how veneers could enhance your smile and your oral health, make an appointment at Morita Dental. Our team offers comprehensive veneer consultations, and we can help you decide if getting veneers is a good option for you.

Dr. Morita is proud to offer KATANA™, zirconia, and eMax veneers. Your veneers are custom-created for your mouth, and the process generally takes a few office visits. 

Our team chooses the right size, shape, and color for your veneers, so you can be confident that your smile will look naturally beautiful. Veneers are fixed permanently to the surface of your teeth, after removing a very small amount of enamel.

Taking care of your new veneers is simple. Brush and floss teeth twice a day, and get professional dental cleanings every six months. With proper care, veneers can last 7-15 years or longer, in some cases.

Find out what veneers could do for your smile. Call our office at 408-775-7770, or request your consultation online now.

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10055 N Portal Ave

Suite 110

Cupertino, CA 95014

(408) 775-7770


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